Armor Up!
Empath's Course
This may be the opportunity you have been pleading for!
Too many empaths curse the gift they have been given because they don’t know how to use it. This class is for you givers. The ones that have given until you can't give anymore. Now take the opportunity to remember, reclaim, reactivate and realign the pieces of who you are.

Who you are matters! You are a divine being. Your worth is inherent! Find your center and embrace your empowered journey.

Have you surrendered your identity to others who don't value you? It is time to reclaim your power, identity and self purpose.

Call up the divine gifts you've been given by re-activating the parts of you that have become dormant by unconscious surrender.

We all have experiences that push us off course. By constantly recognizing those nudges, good and bad we can adjust to reach our true destination!
In a seven series class you can harness the power of your creativity; create a sanctuary of peace; organize your tools to create balance and purpose. You will be amazed to see how simple strategies can create huge improvements!

Seven Training Videos
- First Class
- Second Class
- Third Class
- Fourth Class
- Fifth Class
- Sixth Class
- Seventh Class
Angela Nusbaum
Angela Nusbaum has a profound gift of empathy that, has led her to help hundreds of clients in the last seven years to a place of personal peace on physical, mental and spiritual and emotional planes. As a Light Mentor and Licensed Massage therapist she helps to connect their body and spirit in order to communicate and awaken their sense of identity to help them heal. The body is a physical manifestation of our Spirits journey. Signals from our physical spaces h are trying to communicate something our Spirit is experiencing. Angela helps you decipher those messages.